CEKOL TERMO W2 is applied to embed the grid of the fibre glass to the thermal insulation made of mineral wool, inside and outside the facilities.
Coverage up to 6sqm per bag
Availability date:
Before the grid is embedded, check the condition of the surface of the mineral wool boards; fill any inequalities and holes in points of connections assembly.
Pour the package contents to cold water in a ratio of 5 to 5.5 litres of water per 25 kg bag and mix thoroughly. The time of mortar application approx. 3 hours.
Apply the mortar on the board surface with a thickness equal to approx. 3-4 mm, and then applied the grid straps to embed into a mortar layer. The grid must be fully embedded not to make its colour visible on the surface.
Apply the appropriate corner strips and additional grid strips. Performance: grid embedding – 4 kg/m². The temperature of the performed works: from +5ºC to +25ºC.
• It shows high adhesion to the surface and is resistant to scratches and cracks due to contained fibres.
• The mortar is an excellent grounding for precious plasters in the external facilities heating system of the external facilities walls – ETICS.
Coverage up to 6sqm per bag