• CEKOL C-40 is an excellent material for pointing of plasterboard panels without using a strengthening tape.
• It is also used to refill cracks and scratches formed on the surface of walls and ceilings.
• It contains special cellulose and polyamide fibres.
• CEKOL C-40 is recommended for indoor use only.
• It is a dry compound of top quality plaster stones, white mineral fillers and modifiers.
• CEKOL C-40 meets the requirements of EN 13963 type 4B as a mixture with a standard setting time.
Using a spatula, remove the remains of emulsion and oil paints, and loose grains of sand. The substrate should be clean, tight, free of grease. Before pointing the plasterboard panels, the groove should be carefully cleaned.
Highly absorbent substrates and cut-to-size pieces of plasterboard panels should be primed with CEKOL DL-80 deep penetrating primer.
The mortar should be prepared by pouring 1 kg of powder to about 0.45 l of water. Leave for 2 minutes, then mix thoroughly.
The mortar should be used within 30 minutes. Consumption: about 7 linear meters of joint from 1 kg of powder. Temperature of application +5 ÷ +25°C.
Final smoothing of the surface may be done with abrasive paper or grinding mesh, after full setting.